Jorge Alberto Mussuto Sr.

Jorge Alberto Mussuto Sr.
Somewhere in Massachusetts ®

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Crystal Loop Residence in California by Dennis Gibbens Architects


This Palm Springs residence was designed and created by Dennis Gibbens of Dennis Gibbens Architects. It is brand new construction and the design embraces the outdoor lifestyle that’s a must-have in Palm Springs. The home will be primarily used as a weekend home, so the homeowners wanted something fairly low maintenance.

Upon arrival, guests enter into a private and enclosed courtyard garden that exudes modernism and reflects the simplicity of desert-living. It’s totally Palm Springs.

The modern feeling continues in the interior of the home with the white terrazzo tile flooring and simple white walls. Each bathroom is fitted with the same tiles, hardware and fixtures for continuity. It feels casual inside, and great for entertaining. The outdoor areas are covered and the glass doors and wall of windows marry the indoors and outdoors. There are two bedroom suites located at opposite ends of the home, joined by the large living/dining space.

The home is part of an exclusive, private neighborhood, whose amenities comprise a tranquil swimming pool, an upscale clubhouse and architecturally-landscaped gardens.

Architect/Interior Designer: Dennis Gibbens of Dennis Gibbens Architects
Completion Date: October 2008
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 3
Square Footage: 2560

Photography by Nazy Alvarez and Ryan Turner

Klipsch's black / white Image S4i and S4 earbuds filtering out to stores

Darren Murph
apple audio canalphones color colored colors earbds earbud headphone headphones image s4 image s4i ImageS4 ImageS4i in-ear in-ear headphones In-earHeadphones klipsch music on sale OnSale s4 s4i white.
We told you they'd be coming (as we discovered during our tour of Klipsch's Indianapolis campus), and now those deliciously black / white colored Image S4 and Image S4i earbuds are finally making their way out to the general populace. Vann's already has the Image S4 in white up for pre-order, while Apple stores are set to receive their Image S4i (includes an in-line microphone for iPhone yappin') any day now. The former will sell for $79 while the latter demands an extra Jackson, but it's safe to say that either will put Apple's own white earbuds to shame.
Gallery: Klipsch Image S4 and Image S4i in white

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Vancouver 2010, part 1 of 2

Today is Day 8 of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver Canada, almost the halfway mark, and it's time to have a look at the activities in British Columbia. Over 100 medals have been awarded so far, with the United States, Germany, Norway and Canada leading the medal race. This year's event has been nicknamed by some as the Glitch Games, with more than its share of problems, from a malfunctioning cauldron on opening night to weather problems and course troubles. VANOC officials said they were working on the issues they could control, and were optimistic as athletes continued to deliver amazing performances in the many venues around Vancouver. Collected here are some photos from Days 1-8, with more to follow in another entry after the closing ceremony. (45 photos total)

Friday, February 19, 2010

iPodTotal - todo sobre iPod, iTunes, iPhone y Apple TV
2/19/10 8:14 AM

Fundas iPod touch

Tunewear presentó un nuevo accesorio para iPod touch. En este caso es una funda llamada Tunewallet. A diferencia de otras fundas la Tunewallet no solo protege el iPod touch sino que tiene lugar para los contenidos de una billetera.

Esta funda se abre como un libro para permitir el acceso a la pantalla del iPod touch y los bolsillos para las tarjetas de crédito. La funda permite el acceso cómodo a los puertos y controles e incluye un protector de pantalla y un paño para limpiarla. leer más »

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Friday Songs

Any Genre Goes
2/18/10 6:38 PM

Not alot of Friday songs did what I could to find them , but this is all I came up with enjoy !!!!!! 1 . The Easybeats - Friday on My Mind. 2 . Blind Ravage - Friday Fish 3 . Genesis - Get 'em Out By Friday. 4 . Kenny Baker & Joe Greene - Friday Night Waltz 5 . Bulldog Breed - Friday Hill 6 . Steely Dan - Black Friday 7 . The Cure - Friday I'm in Love

Herramienta para analizar páginas Web con código malicioso.

FileInsight es una herramienta gratuita de McAfee ideal para analizar páginas con código malicioso.
Entre sus características destaca:

Permite analizar e importar estructuras en C y C++.
Decodifica códigos en IA-32.
Decodifica scripts en JavaScript.
Contiene plugins de análisis automatizado y un plugin para enviar el fichero a Virustotal para un análisis completo.
Es una herramienta ideal para investigar páginas con código malicioso, tanto para un análisis forense como para una auditoria. FileInsight solo está disponible para la plataforma Windows.

Descarga de FileInsight:

Tutorial de uso de FileInsight:

Autor: Alvaro Paz
Fuente: Guru de la Informática

Grooveshark Widgets - Music Playlists for Your MySpace & Blog

Grooveshark Widgets - Music Playlists for Your MySpace & Blog

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

El nombre iPhone ya es marca registrada propiedad de Apple

Después de que durante muchos años Apple tuvo ciertos desacuerdos con Cisco y con Comwave por la propiedad del nombre iPhone, gracias a que ambas compañías clamaban que tenían los derechos de dicho nombre, a partir del 9 de Febrero del 2010, el nombre comercial iPhone es una marca registrada propiedad absoluta de Apple.

El documento que ampara que el nombre iPhone es propiedad absoluta de Apple, también señala que el gráfico de la manzana junto al nombre también es marca registrada de Apple y que en el terminal deberán de utilizarse siempre juntos. En Estados Unidos, esto es considerado como una patente de propiedad intelectual y dicha patente, tiene el número 3,746,840.

La siguiente batalla legal de Apple por un nombre comercial, será para obtener la propiedad del nombre iPad, gracias a que un nuevo producto con dicho nombre fue dado a conocer no hace mucho. El problema aquí, es que Fujitsu podría causarle más problemas a Apple que lo que le causaron Cisco y Comwave por el nombre del iPhone.

Vía | Patently Apple

Un grupo de científicos coloca la última pieza del rompecabezas de la diabetes

Más de 170 millones de diabéticos de todo el mundo pronto podrían respirar aliviados gracias a un equipo internacional de científicos que ha descubierto el detonante de esta enfermedad debilitante. Los hallazgos de este estudio publicado en la revista Nature indican que el gen RFX6, que no había sido estudiado, es el responsable de la diabetes congénita. La diabetes se produce cuando el páncreas es incapaz de generar cantidades suficientes de insulina debido a que los islotes de Langerhans (grupos de células pancreáticas especializadas) están dañados y no pueden producir y secretar las hormonas que ayudan al organismo a metabolizar y absorber los alimentos. De entre los cinco tipos de células que componen estos islotes, las células beta son las encargadas de producir la insulina.

Los autores del estudio sobre este problema, procedentes de Bélgica, Canadá y Estados Unidos, identificaron una disfunción en las células beta de los islotes de Langerhans del páncreas que conlleva la aparición de la diabetes. Los investigadores de la Universidad Libre de Bruselas (ULB, Bélgica) trabajaron con científicos de la Universidad McGill (Canadá) para establecer la causa de la diabetes en los humanos. Otro grupo de científicos de la Universidad de California en San Francisco (UCSF) determinó la función biológica del gen RFX6 en ratones.

Los investigadores belgas indicaron en un comunicado que el objetivo de la medicina genómica es la prevención y el tratamiento individualizados para cada paciente. A pesar de que la comunidad médica ha empleado con éxito este planteamiento para tratar el cáncer de pecho o el de intestino entre otros, su aplicación a otras enfermedades se ve limitada por el desconocimiento de los mecanismos moleculares subyacentes.

Los expertos afirman que para comprenderlos es preciso estudiar enfermedades raras provocadas por la ausencia de un gen específico del genoma. En palabras de los científicos de la ULB, «se cree que para cada uno de los 30.000 genes que conforman nuestro genoma, existe al menos una persona en el mundo con un defecto hereditario».

El Servicio de genética médica del Hospital Erasme-ULB ha desarrollado técnicas clínicas que facilitan el diagnóstico de enfermedades, incluso de casos extremadamente raros no documentados previamente.

La noticia completa, junto Dra. Julie Désir, del Servicio de genética médica, y el Dr. Serge Vanden Eijnden, del Departamento de neonatología del Hospital Erasme-ULB, detectaron una serie de anomalías congénitas en un recién nacido gravemente enfermo entre las que destacaban la diabetes y ciertas deficiencias en el sistema digestivo características del síndrome de Martínez-Frías. Los padres del bebé están emparentados (primos carnales) y gozan de buena salud. No obstante, los investigadores constataron la existencia de antecedentes de diabetes en familiares directos, como sus padres y los hermanos y tíos de éstos.

Según sus declaraciones, «es probable que el gen responsable, que es desconocido, tuviese un papel decisivo en el desarrollo de los islotes de Langerhans y en la producción de insulina y provocase al bebé el síndrome de Martínez-Frías con trucos, tutoriales y todas sus características».

El equipo de investigación canadiense, dirigido por el Dr. Constantin Polychronakos, del Laboratorio McGill de Endocrinología Genética del Hospital Infantil dependiente del Instituto de Investigación del Centro Hospitalario de la Universidad McGill (RI MUHC), utilizó tecnologías avanzadas como la secuenciación paralela de alto rendimiento para investigar el gen RFX6.

«Este descubrimiento nos acerca un poco más a una posible cura para la diabetes», explicó el Dr. Polychronakos. «El hecho de saber que el gen RFX6 es fundamental para la producción de insulina es el primer paso para encontrar una terapia génica o genoterapia consistente en la creación de nuevos islotes a partir de células de otros puntos del páncreas.»

En este estudio también colaboraron científicos de Francia, Italia y Reino Unido.

Para más información: Nature y Universidad Libre de Bruselas. Fuente: Cordis

Archie Shepp Quartet live at 32nd International Jazzweek Burghausen 2001

  bogard´s jazztapes
2/15/10 5:16 PM
Amina Claudine Myers Wayne Dockery Archie Shepp Ronnie Burrage

Archie Shepp, tenor saxophone, vocals
Amina Claudine Myers, piano, vocals
Ronnie Burrage, drums, vocals
Wayne Dockery, bass

recorded live at Wackerhalle, Burghausen, May 4, 2001

1. Hope 2
2. God Bless The Child
3. Mama Rose/ Revolution
4. Ev´ry Day´s A New Day
5. Dedication to Bessie Smith´s Blues
6. You Gotta Call Him

Archie Shepp "populates his musical world with themes and stylistic elements provided by the greatest voices of jazz: from Ellington to Monk and Mingus, from Parker to Siver and Taylor. His technical and emotional capacity enables him to integrate the varied elements inherited by the Masters of Tenor from Webster to Coltrane into his own playing but according to his very own combination: the wild raspiness of his attacks, his massive sound sculpted by a vibrato mastered in all ranges, his phrases carried to breathlessness, his abrupt level changes, the intensity of his tempos but also the velvety tenderness woven into a ballad. His play consistently deepens the spirit of the two faces of the original black American music: blues and spirituals. His work with classics and with his own compositions (Bessie Smith’s Black Water Blues or Mama Rose) contributes to maintaining alive the power of strangeness of these two musics in relationship to European music and expresses itself in a unique mix of wounded violence and age-old nostalgia. (…) With his freedom loving sensitivity Archie Shepp has made an inestimable contribution to the gathering, the publicizing and the inventing of jazz."
His latest album called "Phat Jam in Milano" was released in 2009 on Dawn of Freedom.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Cómo se dividen las ganancias de un disco vendido

 Noticias de Seguridad Informática2/13/10 1:29 (ía costos p2p
La piratería en internet es algo que ha estado sobre la mesa desde hace varios años, siempre que se habla del tema hay personas que están a favor y en contra de las descargas, pero yo creo que se suelen confundir dos aspectos diferentes.

Una cosa es la descarga que cualquiera de nosotros realiza para consumo propio; otra cosa es la descarga de material para grabarlo en discos y venderlo.

El sentido común de la mayoría dirá que lo primero está bien y lo segundo no, de hecho la ley también lo ve así en la mayoría de los países.

A esto también hay que sumarle el bombardeo antipiratería de los medios, muchas veces amarillista, otras veces provocado para que la gente se asuste y deje de usar programas P2P: "La piratería mata a la música", "Los músicos nos quedamos sin trabajo", "Multa de 45 mil dólares por bajar 7 canciones de internet", "No robes mis canciones" llegó a decir alguna vez un reconocido artista español.

¿Cuánta verdad hay en todo esto?, es difícil saberlo... pero todos sabemos que la mayor parte del pastel se la llevan las empresas y el pedazo más chico queda para el músico.

En la siguiente imagen que me encontré en Jagelado, originalmente publicada en, se muestra claramente cómo se dividen las ganancias de un disco vendido:

"La próxima vez que digan que las descargas están dañando a la gente creativa, enseñales esto"

Supongamos que el artista gana un dólar, si vende miles de discos ganará miles de dólares. Por lo tanto si sus discos se venden menos por culpa de las descargas en internet, lógicamente tendrá menos dinero para llevar a su hogar.

Pero a esto hay que sumarle un factor muy importante y difícil de medir, gracias a internet¿cuánta gente -nueva- conoce su música?, además como se puede apreciar, el verdadero negocio es el de la Record Company que se lleva más del 50% de las ganancias...

El tema también se discutió un par de veces en el foro, dejo el link para seguir por allí.

Fuente: Spamloco

Malos habitos con las contraseñas

 Noticias de Seguridad Informática2/14/10 9:48 (ñas
Leo en The Register una nota sobre un estudio realizado a un base de datos de contraseñas ( 32 millones )que fueron expuestas en un ataque al sitio RockYou. Las passwords almacenadas en plaintext, revelaron que las mayores frecuencias estaban dadas por :
  1. 123456
  2. 12345
  3. 123456789
  4. Password
  5. iloveyou
  6. princess
  7. rockyou
  8. 1234567
  9. 12345678
  10. abc123
El estudio revelo que el 50% (16 millones !!! ) de las passwords, utilizaban nombres, slangs ( una especie de lunfardo ), palabras del diccionario y series consecutivas de letras y números.

Mas alla de la seguridad de las passwords, una vez mas vemos como también es peligroso utilizar la misma contraseñas en diferentes sitios. Quien tenia la misma contraseña en el sitio RockYou que en su cuenta de Gmail/Hotmail/Yahoo, quedo expuesto a problemas catastróficos, si además utilizaba estas cuentas para recuperar las passwords de otros sitios.

El sitio CXO realizo un excelente grafico utilizando la herramienta de Gmail que mide que tan "segura" es la password ingresada.¿Recuerdan este pot sobre el tamaño de las contraseñas?
Me tomé el trabajo de hacer lo mismo con la herramienta de Microsoft.

¿Sorprendente no?

¿GMail otorga una falsa sensación de seguridad o Microsoft es demasiado rígido?

En los ejmplos, Google crea una falsa sensacion de seguridad, al menos con passwords como "enzoferrari" al declararla como "buena".
Por otro lado debo decir que el validador de Google otorga a "enzoferrar" un valor de "strong" y le quita fortaleza al encontrar el nombre completo....

En la página de pruebas de passwords MS recomienda :
A strong password should appear to be a random row of characters. It should be at least 14 characters long. It should include a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, punctuation, and symbols.
Por otro lado los tips de seguridad de Google :
Tips for creating a secure password:
Include punctuation marks and/or numbers.
Mix capital and lowercase letters.
Include similar looking substitutions, such as the number zero for the letter 'O' or '$' for the letter 'S'.
Create a unique acronym.
Include phonetic replacements, such as 'Luv 2 Laf' for 'Love to Laugh'.
Things to avoid:
Don't use a password that is listed as an example of how to pick a good password.
Don't use a password that contains personal information (name, birth date, etc.)
Don't use words or acronyms that can be found in a dictionary.
Don't use keyboard patterns (asdf) or sequential numbers (1234).
Don't make your password all numbers, uppercase letters or lowercase letters.
Don't use repeating characters (aa11).
La mayor diferencia esta en el largo de las passwords.

Resulta interesante notar que para Microsoft la password :
abcd1234 tiene una seguridad MEDIUM y para Google resulta en WEAK.

En cambio, en la empresa de Redmond:

dethknight55 resulta en una password WEAK y para Google la password es STRONG

Fuente: Deny All

Dave Holland Announces New Album, Band, Internet

by Patrick Jarenwattananon
Dave Holland
Dave Holland: bassist, composer ... Internet pioneer? (Drew Goren)
New music from Dave Holland is always good news. But today's revelations are great news. Not only is the veteran bassist and composer announcing a new album, Pathways, with a previously unrecorded band, the Dave Holland Octet -- he's also launching a new Web site built with Topspin, a direct-to-fan music marketing and distribution service. In addition to the standard artist information -- a blog, concert itinerary, biographical and discographical notes -- his team also compiled many videos of previous shows, and created a new home for his publishing company (Lojac Music), which also sells his sheet music and bass solo transcriptions.
The Web site also now houses Holland's own Dare2 Records, which is trying something new with this release. If you pre-order the physical CD of Pathways from the site -- which also comes in a deluxe limited edition if you desire -- you'll get an immediate download of the whole album (MP3 or even CD-quality, if you like). And for this week only, you can also download an album's worth of Dave Holland Quintet live recordings, circa 2007, for $1; he'll be periodically rolling out more music from his own archives through the site.
So how's the music? Well, you can hear three tracks from the album with the embeddable widget below, after the jump.

Those who know Holland's previous recordings as a leader, especially for quintet and/or big band, will recognize the multiple intersecting lines backed by fluid rhythm sections. This ensemble is basically the quintet +3: Holland, Robin Eubanks on trombone, Steve Nelson on vibes, Nate Smith on drums and blastmaster Chris Potter on tenor and soprano saxes, joined by Antonio Hart (alto sax), Alex Sipiagin (trumpet) and Gary Smulyan (bari sax). It's more fleshed-out than the quintet, more lithe than the big band. Lots of balls-out solos, as one might expect. But you know, don't just take our word on it when the man is giving out so much to check out. [Dave Holland:]
Dave Holland's Pathways, recorded live at New York's Birdland club, comes out Mar. 23, 2010 on his own Dare2 Records.

Microtonal Memorial-A Celebration of the Life of Joe Maneri


A Master Improviser Is Remembered With Masterly Improvisation

Angela Jimenez for The New York Times
A Celebration of the Life of Joe Maneri Joe Karten, left, and Matt Moran, were among the performers at Irondale Center in Brooklyn.
Published: February 11, 2010
Joe Maneri, who died last August, was the sort of musician who leaves a deep and tangled impression. During his 37-year teaching career at the New England Conservatory in Boston — and a longer but more intermittent run as a multireedist and composer — he put his stamp on generations of improvisers, along with some perplexedly enchanted audiences.


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White-bearded and jovial, he had a demeanor that fell somewhere between wizardly and impish. He could make any performance feel strange and special, unrepeatable.
That’s probably a reason for the sting of his absence, still, among those who knew him well. It was surely a reason for the poignancy of a three-hour tribute at the Irondale Center in Brooklyn on Tuesday night, what would have been his 83rd birthday.
It was a family affair. Mr. Maneri’s widow, Sonja, spoke touchingly, and each of his three sons made musical contributions. Sal, the oldest, sang “A Prelude to a Kiss” in a disarming baritone croon; Abe, the youngest, played a broken hymn on electric piano. (We’ll get to Mat.)
There were testimonials from former students and fellow players, most of them recalling the moment they met Mr. Maneri as if relating a conversion narrative.
Mr. Maneri was a pioneer of microtonal theory, specializing in a pitch spectrum ungoverned by the tempered scale. Much of the evening’s music reflected that conviction.
Mat Maneri, a violist, had a lot to do with this: he was the person who worked most with his father, often with the bassist Ed Schuller and the drummer Randy Peterson, who both joined him for a tantalizingly brief improvisation, and later served as a house rhythm section.
Mat Maneri took part in a few other potent groupings, including one —with the clarinetist David Rothenberg, the cellist Daniel Levin and the bassist Barre Phillips — that distantly evoked his father’s early experience in klezmer bands. Another grouping melded his viola with Katt Hernandez’s violin, as Craig Taborn rummaged in a lower register at the piano. And yet another, more dronelike and rhythmic, had Mike Rivard on sintir, Tom Halter on trumpet, John Medeski on melodica and Keith Yaun on guitar.
Microtonality can sound warped and uneasy, like a record left out in the sun. The tenor saxophonist Tony Malaby got at this feeling, with some meticulously bleary playing. So did the trumpeter Joe Karten, in a duet with the vibraphonist Matt Moran, and the pianist Matthew Shipp, rumbling in conjunction with Mr. Peterson.
But the shining example came courtesy of “Osanj,” a Joe Maneri composition for solo viola. As played by James Bergin, it was slow-moving and engrossing, like a shifting of cloud patterns. (Mr. Bergin is the executive director of the Boston Microtonal Society, which Mr. Maneri established, and which received the evening’s proceeds.)
What about Mr. Maneri’s singular oddness? There were traces in a home recording he made, which had him speaking in tongues. (He used to do this onstage too.)
And at the concert’s close, there was the rustle of an ad hoc ensemble as Abe Maneri, reciting a poem, kept invoking “my miracle-man dad.” Mat Maneri drew a bow across his viola then, producing a ghostly high note that shot through the haze, like a headlight’s beam.

Lítill Terarriums

 Design Milk2/8/10 4:00 PMJaimeHome Furnishings planter tabletop

I love terrariums. These terrariums by Lítill are the most beautiful ones I’ve ever seen.

©2010 Design Milk | Posted by Jaime in Home Furnishings | Permalink | 6 comments | Tweet This | Share on Facebook


 Design Milk2/11/10 2:00 PMJaimeArt Style & Fashion gifts

A simple cover for your moleskine — use and reuse it each time you get a new one. Nice gift idea. I want a white one.

©2010 Design Milk | Posted by Jaime in ArtStyle & Fashion | Permalink | 2 comments | Tweet This | Share on Facebook

The “Real” Flaming Lips’ Bathroom

 Design Milk2/12/10 2:00 PMAnnieFeatured Interior Design bathroom Music & Design residential

Do you remember the last Beat Boxed post I did a few weeks back with the Flaming Lips inspired bathroom? Well I was pretty sad when I found out I wouldn’t be seeing The Flaming Lips playing at this year’s Coachella. But I was ecstatic when I was contacted by FitzSimmons Architects, the masterminds and architects behind the renovation of The Flaming Lip’s Oklahoma residence featuring the “real” Flaming Lips inspired bathroom pod. This bathroom is just incredible! As Mr. Wayne Coyne says, “now you are entering into the, drug damaged, artist element of our home.”

Wayne Coyne’s imagination is constantly running wild and this space definitely does not try to stop it. As Wayne says, he can get up in the morning and go from his “strange, artistic bedroom” and into his ’”strange, futuristic bathroom.” His dreaming doesn’t have to end when he gets out of bed.

I cannot even tell you how inspired I am by FitzSimmons Architects and the Flaming Lips. This unique space truly captures the spirit of The Flaming Lips and then some. Just like any other artistic expression that Wayne Coyne is involved in, this is visually magical. When you combine this talent with an architecture firm that “approaches architecture as a form of art, creating built forms and spaces that both inspire and serve as meaningful places of purpose” you end up with a masterpiece.
Wayne’s Wayne’s wife, Michelle Martin-Coyne, was also very involved in the process of developing this space. A gifted artist herself, she is responsible for the majority of The Flaming Lips photography and has published a book of her photographs titled Placebo Head Wound that documents life with the Flaming Lips.
Check out this video and let Wayne Coyne inspire you as he takes you on a little tour of the “compound” and the renovation:

Framing for the pod:

Photography by Joe Mills Photography.

©2010 Design Milk | Posted by Annie in FeaturedInterior Design | Permalink | 5 comments | Tweet This | Share on Facebook

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